Physocarpus opulifolius diabolo large plant 1 x 36 litre potted physoc ...
physocarpus opulifolius diabolo large plant 1 x 36 litre potted physoc ...
Physocarpus opulifolius diabolo large plant 1 x 36 litre potted physocarpus plant
Physocarpus opulifolius 39diablo39 bears clumps of small white flowers with a subtle pink hue during early summer the blooms contrast spectacularly with the deep copper45red handsome foliage and shining red seed heads follow lasting well into autumn this modern shrub appears even more impressive when planted alongside a range of other shrubs with colourful foliage such as euonymus berberis and elaeagnus this ninebark variety will attract endless compliments when added to your shr