Qualitek lf965 30 delta tip tinner sac305 lead free 1oz 28g
qualitek lf965 30 delta tip tinner sac305 lead free 1oz 28g
Qualitek lf965 30 delta tip tinner sac305 lead free 1oz 28g
Qualitek delta tip cleaner qualitek tiptinner lf p qualitek delta tip cleaner is a soldering iron bit cleaner and tinner providing a quick and effective method of cleaning and re tinning de wetted soldering iron bits p p the tip cleaner is a mixture of solder powder and thermally stable oxide reducing compounds it gives superior cleaning and re tinning of highly oxidized soldering iron tips than a wet sponge or rosin cored wire p qualitek lf965 30 delta tip tinner sac305 lead free 1oz