Lonicera kamtschatica kalinka large plant 2 x 36 litre potted lonicera ...
lonicera kamtschatica kalinka large plant 2 x 36 litre potted lonicera ...
Lonicera kamtschatica kalinka large plant 2 x 36 litre potted lonicera plants
Grow your own honeyberries and have a ready supply of these sweet and juicy blue fruits high in antioxidants and vitamin c the fruits of lonicera kamtschatica 39kalinka39 are not only delicious but so full of goodness that they are considered a 39superfruit39 they can be baked in a pie or a cake made into jam or just eaten straight from the bush a handful with breakfast cereal makes a great start to the morning in early spring the bush is covered in small fragrant creamy yel