Juniperus x pfitzeriana gold fern large plant 1 x 3 litre potted junip ...
juniperus x pfitzeriana gold fern large plant 1 x 3 litre potted junip ...
Juniperus x pfitzeriana gold fern large plant 1 x 3 litre potted juniperus plant
Take all ideas of towering conifers out of your mind as you consider this little gem juniperus x pfitzeriana 39gold fern39 is a dwarf conifer that has an expected height and spread of just 1m 4033941 so it39s easy to find a home for it in borders rockeries or as a solo specimen as you39ll have guessed by the name the foliage is green45gold which will give a very welcome lift on a dreary winter day once established it requires very little attention so is the perfect ch