Stanley 1 13 907 bit amp socket set of 39 ratchet end metric 14 drive
stanley 1 13 907 bit amp socket set of 39 ratchet end metric 14 drive
Stanley 1 13 907 bit amp socket set of 39 ratchet end metric 14 drive
Stanley bit socket set of 39 ratchet end metric 1 4 drive stanley 1 13 907 stanley 1 4in drive 39 piece socket and bit set containing the following li 7 x 1 4in drive sockets 6 7 8 10 11 12 and 13mm li 4 x slotted 25mm bits 4 4 5 6 5 and 8mm li 4 x hex 25mm bits 3 4 5 and 6mm li 8 x torx 25mm bits tx8 tx10 tx15 tx20 tx25 tx27 tx30 and tx40 li 7 x pinned torx 25mm bits tx10 tx15 tx20 tx25 tx27 li tx30 and tx40 li 3 x phillips 25mm bits ph1 ph2 and ph3 li 3 x