Kolkwitzia amabilis pink cloud large plant 1 x 10 litre potted kolkwit ...
kolkwitzia amabilis pink cloud large plant 1 x 10 litre potted kolkwit ...
Kolkwitzia amabilis pink cloud large plant 1 x 10 litre potted kolkwitzia plant
Very much a well45known and well45liked deciduous shrub kolkwitzia amabilis 39pink cloud39 is a stunning vision of beauty 45 so much so it39s widely called 39beauty bush39 from may to june its arching stems are populated with masses of pale pink trumpet45shaped blooms 45 complimented by its dark green foliage as the flowers fade the foliage serves as an elegant backdrop for other summer45flowering shrubs a captivating addition to any border or as a stand a