Clematis comtesse de bouchaud large plant 2 x 3 litre potted clematis ...
clematis comtesse de bouchaud large plant 2 x 3 litre potted clematis  ...
Clematis comtesse de bouchaud large plant 2 x 3 litre potted clematis plants
Clematis 39comtesse de bouchaud39 is a vigorous and beautiful late45flowering clematis with a coveted rhs agm this tough and forgiving climber dates back to 1900 but still holds its own amongst more modern cultivars its mauve45pink flowers form a spectacular display from june through to september a versatile variety 39comtesse de bouchaud39 performs superbly in borders or containers and in almost any aspect of sun or shade height 3m 40103941 spread 1m 403