Bitfenix alchemy 20 psu cable kit evg series black red
1018pin to 24pin x1 650mm 8pin to cpu 44pin x2 650mm 8pin to pci e 62pin x4 650mm 8pin to pci e 62pin to pci e 6pin x2 650mm 150mm 6pin to sata x 2 x2 450mm 150mm 6pin to sata x 4 x2 450mm 150mm 150mm 150mm 6pin to molex x 2 x1 450mm 150mm 6pin to molex x 3 x1 450mm 150mm 150mm molex to flopply 4pin extend cable x1 100mm alchemy2 0 modular cable introduction of alchemy sleeved cables allowed many end users customized their computers now bit fenix is ready