66fit anatomical lumbar vertebrae with sacrumcoccyxherniated disc
66fit anatomical lumbar vertebrae with sacrumcoccyxherniated disc
66fit anatomical lumbar vertebrae with sacrumcoccyxherniated disc
Ltpgtthe 66fit anatomical life size lumbar vertebrae with sacrum and coccyx and herniated disc presented on a standltpgtltpgtltstronggtfeaturesltstronggtltpgtltulgtltligtmaterial washable pvcltligtltligtlife sizeltligtltulgtltpgtltstronggtdescriptionltstronggtltpgtltpgtconsists of the 5 lumbar vertebrae with intervertebral discs sacrum with flap coccyx spinal nerves and dura mater of spinal cordltpgt