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Product code: 15903860 / 322521
Tremendous value, when I unrolled it I thought no way would it do. Very surprised at how thick the mat was when filled. Very comfortable and light weight. Delighted with it.
Lightweight and small pack size so great for hiking and camping trips. Very comfortable, much thicker than my previous old Thermarest and sleep really well on it. Takes me more than 20 breaths to inflate, more like 30 sometimes, but still really happy with this mat. Would agree with other reviewers that it's not self inflating.
This item is very good, but it is NOT self inflating and in my opinion it needs to be wider, as you roll off of it when turning over, and because of this and the statement that they make of it being self inflating, I find it well over priced for what it is, I think it is the name you are paying for.
Easy to inflate and pack away, comfortable enough great value for money for a mid-tier sleeping mat.
Well I bought it last summer as my old thermarest breathed its last and the prospective of 5cm between me and the ground. I spent a couple hours in indecision walking around the various stores in Llanberis Yes it's good but it's not warm. I paired it with a closed foam mat mac it was stilll way cooler than my friends neo air lite
Had mine out twice recently in bitter cold winds and snow/ice and it really does make the world of difference, keeps you so warm and comfortable!
Blows it and packs away very quickly, i dont fully inflated as i have a tendency to roll off it but 80% full and its perfect! Very light, packs down very small.
Bought this mat because I am getting old.
Saw the oex 4.0 which is brilliant but decided this one was 400g lighter and a little smaller to pack away.. Wasn't too happy about it not being self inflating but figured I could breathe into it for twenty times. Actually it took only sixteen and was very very comfortable. It rustles a bit but so does the wind in the trees!
Was expensive but well worth the money for the troubled free sleep. I love it to bits!!!
Helpfully provided a good discount as ex display model minus stuff sack.
The kit was in working order and in test is very comfortable. It is not self inflating but requires only approx 20 breaths to inflate so no great exertion required.
Once ready the comfort can be adjusted can be adjusted accordingly.
It is a relatively light piece of kit for what it is and would suit a variety of different applications eg festivals, weekend camping up to moderate distance hikes if weight is not a priority or travelling more traditionally is your thing.
A good investment at a good price and ideal as an entry level product to more plush outdoor sleeping systems.
Great mat. Easy to inflate with the supplied air sack and packs up small. Great price at Go Outdoors.