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Keys: affordable style
A notorious Italian brand, Keys has developed a collection of men's and women's shoes and accessories. Their goal: affordable prices. You can shop without guilt and choose among the varied styles and designs. From casual shoes to more elegant looks, everyone will find what they are looking for.

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Keys Shoes & Bags on Spartoo UK

An Italian story

The history of the Keys shoes brand begins twenty years ago in Italy. With great ambition, they quickly developed the brand in Italy, and now they are distributed all over the world, in more than 1500 international fashion boutiques. The brand is a huge success with thousands of men and women who are fans of the brand's unique style !

Modern fashion

The collections created by the brand are super trendy. Keys offers timeless models, classics for men and women. Ankle boots, trainers, sandals … the collections are made up of all the essential basics. That's enough reason to give in to a pair from the latest collection, available online on Spartoo UK.

Guaranteed quality

Using excellent quality leather, designer cuts and careful details, Keys brings together everything you love to satisfy demanding customers. The Italian manufacturing is another sign of the brand's committment to always offer the best at low prices.

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